Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/clients/4d150b14c2013023298a89d6b705702a/sites/giroudon.fr/site/pages/xp_contacts.php on line 83
Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/clients/4d150b14c2013023298a89d6b705702a/sites/giroudon.fr/site/pages/xp_contacts.php on line 83
The information collected via this contact form is only used to respond to your requests for information or contact. They will be kept for 3 years. But in accordance with the law, concerning digital data, you have a right of access, portability, erasure, rectification, deletion and opposition.
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In order to avoid any spamming and other abusive mailings, each email sent from this form is rigorously traced. Therefore, any fraudulent Email may be subject to prosecution.